
Fenugreek-Moringa Oil for Hair Growth & Thickness

In my fenugreek hair spritz post, I mentioned that I took inspiration from some of these concoctions from my favorite natural hair YouTuber, Ife of ife360tv. My latest concoction was inspired by her as well. I used whatever oils I had lying around my bedroom, but the two main ingredients that make this recipe so unique is the mixture of Fenugreek seeds and Moringa powder. 

Consuming Moringa in my smoothies in tandem with using it in my massage oils or hot oil treatments may possibly aid in hair growth. It's pretty impressive considering I haven't had time to care for my hair like I usually would over the past few weeks. One day I'll follow the recipe exactly but for now, I have tons of oils that are in need for use. Here's the link to Ife's recipe. 

If you have different oils than me, feel free to make your own mixture, but don't forget the Fenugreek seeds and Moringa! Make sure to use a glass container to store your oil as well. I started by toasting about 1/4 cup of Fenugreek seeds in a skillet. They brown pretty quickly so just keep stirring them around the pan so that they toast evenly. Let the seeds cool completely before adding them to your glass container. 

I then added 3/4 cup of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, followed by a heaping tablespoon of Moringa powder. Use a funnel if you'd like to avoid making a mess, and give the mixture a good stir. 
Add in your other oils and stir again. These are the remaining oils I used, which included Peppermint oil and Jamaican Black Castor Oil. I also added a few drops of Rosehip seed oil. 
However, my favorite oil at the moment is this Reshma Henna oil. It has five different oils: basil oil, olive oil, jojoba oil, henna extract, and cedar wood oil, that help to nourish a dry scalp and skin. I love it not only because it's moisturizing, but because it smells like tea! 😍

And there you have it! Your Fenugreek-Moringa Oil. Here are a few tips I recommend before using this oil. 
  • After creating this mixture, I was inclined to immediately slap it onto my scalp and start massaging. But I followed Ife's advice and left it out in a sunny area for about a week before using it. The color will change considerably but that's because the oils have had time to settle into each other. 
  • Stir before each use, of course. 
  • This is a last-minute tip, but use a piece of cheesecloth or pantyhose to strain the oil before applying it to your scalp. I learned this the hard way this past weekend. Because the Moringa powder doesn't really dissolve into the oils, putting it on your hair may leave behind tiny green balls of residue. A regular strainer may not work because the holes are too big to prevent the powder from getting into your hair, so that is why I recommend using a cheesecloth or pantyhose. 
If you try this recipe with different oils, let me know what you used and how it worked out for you. I'll make sure to post an update so you guys can see how much my hair has grown after using it. Once again, thank you so much for reading and happy Hump Day!

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