
Hick's Edges: The Best Edge Control?

After biting the bullet and spending $20 dollars on a jar of Hick's Edges recently, I realized that I have finally found the best edge control for my stubborn edges. It actually works! While I'm not someone who slicks down my edges every day or even every week, I sometimes like them to look neat depending on my mood or the occasion. I started using edge control gels when I still had relaxed hair, and even in straight form my edges refused to stay down. I used everything from Eco Styler Gel, Creme of Nature Argan Oil edge control, OR Monoi Oil edge control, Got2B Glued Spiking Glue, ORS Olive Oil edge control, Murray's Edgewax Extreme, and last but not least, Gorilla Snot. 
When I first bought the regular Got2B Glued, I thought that it was the final replacement for all the failed edge controls I used to own. This was last March while I was still transitioning, and I eagerly shared my approval on Instagram without realizing that my replacement would soon be replaced.  
March 21, 2016 (I thought I found the one but boy, was I wrong!)
There are a few that I still use in combinations that I've found gave me a decent hold, such as Got2B Ultra Glued with Gorilla Snot or Murray's Edgewax with Got2B Ultra Glued. These combinations can last me a few days as long as I keep my edges tied down with a satin scarf. However I like the idea of not having to mix different edge controls to get the results that I want.
It was my cousin who first recommended Hick's Edges to me in the summer, and I had never heard about it before. Initially, I rushed to the hair store to see if I could find it, with no such luck. I was told that it was constantly selling out. So I turned to Amazon hoping to purchase it online. Because I was so used to the idea of buying an edge control between 4 and 8 dollars, I gave the $20 price tag the side eye and decided that I would buy it when I had money to splurge. I contemplated buying it throughout the rest of my transitioning journey and into my TWA stage, but I just couldn't get past the price. 

Meanwhile, I continued to struggle using the edge controls I already owned. It wasn't until last week when I returned to the hair store to buy a protein treatment, that I caught a glimpse of someone buying a jar of Hick's Edges. I was already late for work trying to find a protein treatment, so I cut my losses and rushed to work, determined to purchase my own jar of Hick's Edges once I was finished. When I returned to the store after work to buy the edge control, I'll admit that I cringed when I had to drop $20 for this product. 
But when I returned home and tried it I was instantly satisfied with the results. If you haven't tried Hick's Edges, go to the store and buy it NOW! Not only has setting my edges become almost effortless, but the hold lasts up to two days. The first day I used it all day I needed up falling asleep on it, and when I woke up my edges were still slicked down. What I really like about this product is also the fact that one of the ingredients is Castor Oil, which we all know promotes growth. After applying this edge control I enjoyed the nice tingle it gave off. I could talk forever about this wonderful product but you will see for yourself. 

This product is good enough to use just my fingers to apply but I also tend to use a baby toothbrush to slick down my edges. Either or works for me with this edge control.
I simply just brush my edges in my desired style and use a satin scarf to hold them down while the edge control dries. With my other edge controls I have to wear the scarf for about an hour for my Edges to stay all day. But when I use Hick's Edges, I only wear the scarf for about 10 minutes for it to hold all day. 
Look at these results! 
Thank you for reading and I really hope that you try this product if you have stubborn edges like me. It's well worth the money and you'll never need another edge control, trust me! If you do use Hick's Edges, let me know how it works for you or if it doesn't work for you at all. I'm curious to know because we're all different and what works for me may not work for you and vice versa. 'Til tomorrow, guys! 😆

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